I think the idea of mixing luxury and mass-market fashion is very modern, very now - no one wears.
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Do not hurt your face, consume original products.

The ingredients that are part of each product by Macaria are of high quality, guaranteeing the safety of our customers.

It is essential to verify the logo before making the purchase. Fake products have the same logo, although it may look scratched, handled, or in a different and unusual area of ​​the package or case.

Compare the letters of the product package purchased with those of a product of the original brand. If there are obvious differences, it could be a fake. Therefore, it is important to verify:

  • Macaria Beauty’s seal must have a hot stamping (gold-colored seal) with the name of each product.
  • Each product must be sealed and have an INCI ingredient list label, ordered according to their importance.
  • The quality of each product should feel creamy and light, as well as having high pigmentation.
  • Fake products usually have less pigmentation than genuine ones and will require that they are rubbed on the surface of the skin two or more times so that the color can be seen. Extract a sample near a similar or identical product selected to see the differences between the two items.
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