I think the idea of mixing luxury and mass-market fashion is very modern, very now - no one wears.
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About US

Many women have inspired our lives, sometimes they are great stars, with stories and lifestyles that motivate us to fight for our dreams. Nevertheless, there is always one special in our life. One who does not necessarily have to be part of TV or a big stage. Those women who have inspired us with their day to day, teach us their strength and bravery. This is how Carlos Márquez creates this amazing line of cosmetics, in memory of his aunt MACARIA.

Macaria Beauty makes a mix of memories and Mexican origins with feminine beauty. In honor of all beautiful, strong women who always inspire us and are examples of life.

Our line of cosmetics is composed of five eyeshadows palettes, each one with has an exclusive design that merges art, beauty, handicrafts, and our colorful Mexico: Siempre Viva, Azulejo, Dulce Amor, Papel Picado y Bordado.

Undoubtedly, the beauty of Macaria will leave you a mark in the heart!

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